Dear Mr. Carson,
Dear Mr. Carson,
My name is Angela , Assistant Professor of Graphic Design and Digital Art at Armstrong Atlantic State University in Savannah, GA. Yesterday, the advanced graphic design students I guide gave presentations on their “Design Heroes” (from a midterm assignment), one of which was you, presented by Stephanie Swinson. I was touched to hear she had been able to have correspondence with you and I, in turn, wanted to relay to you what a positive impact that has had not only on her, but the two design classes (that meet together) as a whole.
The BFA program is just in its beginning stages of development here (I am new here – and in the 1st semester of my full-time teaching career – as a result of AASU’s willingness to grow). As the students discover design as a passion (and not a ‘class’), it was really great to see their reactions during the presentation. I could feel her sense of excitement spread across the room as she spoke about you – so much so the Intro group (instructed at the same time) can’t wait for next semester!
We thank you for the inspiring work you produce (I also dig your work) and for taking the time to talk with an aspiring student. It sure meant alot and will continue to have an impact on everyone in that room.
Thanks again.

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